doing things for you

Lately, i have fully realised the importance of trying to make yourself happy and not being okay with settling for less than you deserve.

there is a big ideal that society pushes on people to make them feel like they need to fit a mould in order to be liked or to be accepted.

i have found that this ideal is not for everyone. we are all different and that’s what makes us all special. we don’t have to change how we look or how much we weigh or how we act because of what other people say or think. however, i believe that if we want to change, that should also be accepted and should not be constantly blamed on the pressures of society.

as well as trying to help people to be happy with the person they are now, people should have the support and encouragement they need to become the person they are happy want to be; the person they are happy as, as long as that is good for their health.

happiness is a breath of fresh air for most people and there is nothing better than being happy and comfortable with yourself. it benefits you emotionally and physically and helps you to feel confident and to be unafraid to be who you really are.

some things i have learnt are not to pretend to be someone you aren’t and also if you’re not happy with something that you can change, do something about it!

if you pretend to be someone you’re not to impress someone, a guy, for example, chances are it’ll end up in you feeling quite conflicted. situations like that are difficult because you feel trapped, as if you always have to be careful not to say or do the wrong thing and also it’s nice to know that someone loves you for who you are and not who you pretend to be.

i bet that person would love you even more if they knew the real you and everything would be far more comfortable.

i guess the point of this post is that if you’re unhappy, you should make an effort to change the reason why if it is possible. for example, if you don’t like the way your stomach looks, go do some ab workouts! don’t do something that makes you miserable to please someone else. don’t get me wrong, it’s good to think of others before yourself but there is a limit.

i hope this has been helpful and has made you think about yourself and how happy you are with yourself as an individual. if you’re not, it can’t hurt to try and make a difference.

making choices

this year, i am repeatedly being told that i need to think about what i want to do with my life, i mean, i know I’ve had to think of this for years but now its actually becoming a bit more real. its kind of becoming clear that i have to decide what i want to take for a-levels or if i want to take a btec or do an apprenticeship and what i achieve in those years determines what opportunities that i have. things are only just starting out and its difficult to choose what path would be the best to take.

if you think about it, we spend the majority of our lives in education and in work and that means that its important you enjoy what you are doing. in my opinion, having to make choices like this at ages like 16 and 18 seem really scary because we are still young and used to deluding ourselves into believing that we still have years before these decisions have to be made. i guess something that is difficult to remember is that we don’t have to stay in one occupation forever and that we can change our mind.

also, i think taking risks is important in getting what you want; no one ever gets anything amazing easily. that goes for anything in life. there is no point for a life being afraid because what can you achieve from that? would you rather live a life in your comfort zone or live the most interesting life you can? i think that taking risks doesn’t mean that you know exactly what you’re getting yourself into or that you’re completely comfortable doing it, to be honest its the complete opposite. taking risks can take a lot of courage sometimes and can mean you feel sick to your stomach but that can make it even more rewarding if it goes the way you want, which i can say from experience that it usually turns out alright.

in the end, all good things have to come to and end but life is full of endless opportunities and we just have to be willing enough to accept them.

this is quite a short post but i hope you enjoyed, another post coming on sunday:)

last year

the other day, i was looking through some old photos. not really that old, from around a year ago i think.

it had been a while since i looked through my instagram, i had completely neglected it in this past year and switched to tumblr (sorrynot-today || go follow) anyway, this meant that a lot of old memories were brought back.

do you ever remember a part of your life and then also remember exactly how you felt during that time? it’s difficult to explain but am i the only one who has this? probably.

anyway, i found some photos that reminded me of this time last year. last year, i remember feeling like i had everything sorted out compared to how things are this year with gcse’s and things. i remember how last year i was re-discovering myself, i had just got out of a confusing relationship and was excited to try new things. lots of new people were entering my life and things were exciting and different. it’s strange how much things have changed.

a year on, i have yet again just moved on from a decent-lengthed relationship and am trying to just deal with things as they come, especially with having gcse’s this year.

i think there is no better feeling than knowing exactly who you are at a certain time. although sometimes i think i know myself, it’s almost like there are puzzle pieces of who i am that have yet to fall into place.

in life, a lot of things change and that means that we have to live through both highs and lows. in the end, this goes to show how even though life is ridiculously short, we still have a lot of time.  i have tried a lot of different things in this past year and done a lot of stuff that was completely out of my comfort zone but i think that’s a good way to live because we might as well take advantage of the life we have since we only have one.

its important to remember that we shouldn’t limit ourself because of what we’re afraid of and because of what other people may think. different people have different problems and although some people are better at hiding it than others, i think that by making those around us happy, we can help ourselves to be happy and what more can you ask for than that?

although life changes so often it’s difficult to keep track, and sometimes it feels like you drew a short straw, i guess thats a good thing because you can rely on the fact that things can probably only get better from here and the lower the lows, the higher the highs.


for some people, change is scary and difficult. however, don’t you sometimes just wish it would come? i think there are times where we need a change in our lives, either big or small, and we can benefit from that. I am a big believer in the benefit of small changes to ourselves or our lives. I love the idea of changing my hair colour whenever i want or switching round my room. these things all make me happier and help me to move forward or direct my focus to something new by, in a way, giving me a different atmosphere to work in.

i can understand how scary change is to some people and i assure you, it’s the same for everyone in one way or another. i guess some people can just handle change more than others and that is completely fine. when i have felt more anxious about something new, i have had to think about all the good that could come from that experience. either i would think about that or just try and get it over and done with.

if i could, i would try and dye my hair either a dark blond or really light brown but it can be quite a difficult thing to sort out and maintain. also there is the possibility that these colours would look horrendous but its worth a try, in my opinion. the beauty in summer holidays is that you have a few weeks left to hide your hair colour until you can find some way to fix it.

anyway, no one can control how much time changes the various people we love or where we live or whether we need to find a new job or what we’re interested in. throughout our lives, everything that makes us ourselves changes and that isn’t always a bad thing. sometimes, moving on and accepting change can enable us to experience more and live our life, we just have to take that leap and not be afraid of the change that is happening to us.