Christmas 2014

okay so this post is going to be a bit more sensitive than usual but I still hope you enjoy.
this year, on December 22nd, my great nan sadly passed away and that was probably the first big loss I’ve fully experienced in my life so far. although I didn’t see her as often as I should, I still loved her and she made us all laugh. every visit to go and see her was an experience. so when I found out I felt strangely numb, void of emotion I should say, and I guess, even though it was kind of expected, it didn’t feel real.
throughout the week I noticed how much it affected some members of my family and that’s what made me begin to feel more upset. it was a week that was supposed to be filled with joy and cheer but we were all in various stages of mourning I guess. (don’t worry it isn’t all this depressing I swear!)
anyway on Christmas Eve I was beginning to worry if Christmas was going to be worth it this year and I really didn’t want it to come at all.
however, the day was the exact opposite. at some point during that week we all truly realised how important our family is and how easy it is to lose someone without any warning whatsoever.
this Christmas turned out to be one of the best because we all treasured one another and we all supported each other in remembering my great nan in a happy light. We all laughed, we toasted and we hugged, a lot.
this week there’s nothing I’ve valued more than hugging someone I love and showing them how much they mean to me. this year, instead of focusing on gifts and stressing about cooking food, for me, the focus was almost entirely on family and I loved every minute of it.
I hope everyone had a merry Christmas and they got everything they wanted and more.


now that it is December, I’m starting to get really excited about traditions. in my family, we mostly have traditions for Christmas Eve which include my parents dressing up as Santa and Mrs Claus and giving us new pjamas to wake up in on Christmas morning.
yeah, that may sound kind of weird for a 15 and a 23 year old to sit on their dads (santa’s) lap but we’ve been doing it for as long as I can remember so it’s something we just have to do every Christmas.
we also make sure we watch the Santa Claus movies because they are, in my opinion, probably the best Christmas movies out there.
i guess what the point of this post is to say how important traditions are and how special they can make a holiday.
I really can’t wait to make my own traditions when Im older because they’ve been so important to me as I grew up.
most families have little traditions that they do for various events or seasons and for some that may seem weird but when you have something like that, every time it comes around you get excited and happy.
my two favourite things about Christmas are music and traditions because they just add the cherry on top of an exciting day that I get to spend with family.

on that note, my favourite Christmas song at the moment is:
winter wonderland/ don’t worry be happy by pentatonix ft tori kelly
make sure you go check it out because they are so talented and it is just really festive and fun.