Drinking more water

something that i have been trying to do more lately is cutting down on fizzy drinks and replacing them with water.

Previously, i never really drank much water but this summer i decided to give it a try. from drinking lots of water a day and replacing fizzy drinks with blackcurrant squash, ive really noticed a difference in my skin. i have also felt a lot better in myself because i never feel strange or anything because I am full of bubbles.

i think its a good idea to challenge yourself to make small differences to your diet. just by switching something unhealthy for something better like i did with water. the longer you try and maintain that change, it will probably become a habit. its important to remember that its good to treat yourself once in a while, for example, although i always drink water or squash at home, i will drink a fizzy drink if i go out for a meal. its good to have a balance and its okay to treat yourself sometimes.

this is quite a short post but i wanted to share something that i have been trying lately and express how it has actually made me feel better in myself and i hope that it can help you too.