5 steps for New Years resolutions

okay, so this year is drawing to a close and I’m not the first to point out just how fast 2014 has slipped by.
I’ve had great days, I’ve had sad days, I’ve achieved and I’ve failed much like everyone else has, I’m sure. all of those things have made me into the person I am now and who I will start 2015 as.
at this time of year, everyone is picking New Years resolutions and setting goals for how to improve in the next year, however, the common problem is fully committing to those goals, which is okay, because we’re all the same in that aspect I guess.
in order to help, I have compiled a list of 5 things to help you create and complete some New Years resolutions for the new year.

1. take some time to look back and acknowledge what you have achieved this year. before you go deciding how you want to better, try to think of what you have done during this year that has made a difference to yourself or to someone else, whether it changed their/your life or even just made them smile on a bad day. a year is a very long time and you could be very surprised by all you achieved.

2. think about what you want to achieve; let your head go wild and don’t hold back. you have a completely new year in front of you and if you set your mind on it, you have no idea of what you could achieve, who you could meet or who you could become.

3. really take some time to think about what steps need to be taken in order to achieve those goals. are things going to be simple or is there a path you need to take in order to get there? sometimes when things all come together and you have a plan, things become more exciting and you feel more inspired as well as motivated to complete your goal.

4. it is important to remember that you shouldn’t underestimate yourself. if a task seems too big, just break it down into smaller, more manageable pieces. hardwork never denied anyone anything and in the end, it is even more rewarding to achieve something you never thought you were capable of. only you can stand in the way of what you want to achieve, so don’t let yourself because no task is too big.

5. now, onto the commitment part, the part where you have to keep something up for a year.
I recommend that you find a way to best keep yourself motivated, for example, write down exactly what you feel like when you are most inspired and willing to achieve. then, when you are feel rather less motivated, you can read how you felt when inspired and hopefully that would prompt you to become more proactive.
you could also hang up photos or post its, whatever is most effective for what you want to achieve, on your walls or wherever you would see them everyday and therefore, when you see them, you could want to do more.

I hope these steps have been helpful and I hope everyone has a great New Years!