time goes too fast!

so mocks are coming up and its kind of scary how fast this year has gone. Lately i feel like i have been very short of time and I’m pretty sure that most people in the same place as me kind of feel the same way. i guess because time goes so fast its like there can never be enough, especially when there is a deadline approaching.

even though I’m excited for a lot of things like being able to drive and getting a house and other things like that, Im kind of scared of growing up and i guess thats okay because everyone has to do it. the thing is, when you grow up, you just get older and older and then wam bam your going to die soon. i think the reality of how short life really is set in the other day and it kind of freaked me out.

something that i have recently been trying to make time for is sleep. with all the exams and other things going on, sleep is a big priority because it means i can go into school the next day awake and ready to learn. even when i manage to get a decent nights sleep I’m ready for a nap by the end of the next day so when I don’t I’m practically falling asleep in lessons. in my opinion, having a decent nights sleep and making sure you’re drinking water throughout the day is the best way to keep alert and learn as much as you can.

due to upcoming exams and the idea that one day I’m actually going to have to grow up, i sometimes feel as if i cannot look forward to things. i don’t know if I’m the only person who feels like this but it kind of sucks, especially if something great is coming up. for example, christmas is soon but i just want this week to freeze so i can get in some revision. i know that i have to get through two more weeks and then i can look forward to christmas. after that i have more exams to face. something I’ve realised about this is that trying to distract yourself from these things kind of sucks sometimes and to be honest, you have to do everything you can to keep yourself happy.

it is very important to prioritise, i think.

1. revise

2. sleep

3. keep yourself in a good mood.

in my opinion, if you are in a positive mindset, you can achieve a lot more because even though constant work sucks, you kind of feel happy/good about yourself at the same time. even little things can make a difference. for example, i like keep my room tidy because otherwise i start to stress out and also i tend to do whatever I’m in the mood to do. i have painted my nails a few times which made me feel better and i even took a break from revising to bake a vegan chocolate cake. whatever it is, sometimes you should just take a break and improve your mindset by making yourself feel better and then you can go back and continue to learn with a fresh perspective.

(I’m sorry i haven’t been putting a blog post up every wednesday and sunday, been slightly short on time)